A often-overused phrase that originally meant a loving, yet evil kind of sarcasm. Now, spreading like crabs at a whorehouse to even the real world, it signifies the horrifying end of real humor as we know it.
OMG! They said "Snark" on Entertainment Tonight!! Oooh, snap! Shout-out!
by AfterBirth April 15, 2006
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To accidentally get something lodged in your nasal cavity, after choking. Often occurs when swallowing food wrongly, or during puking, when food is shooting upwards into your mouth. The victim usually spends time making disgusting noises with their sinuses to get the rogue item out of their nasal cavity. Sometimes, when the item is dislodged, it gets stuck in the throat again, renewing the process.
I was choking on a piece of food and when I hacked it up, I snarked it. It took me forever to get it back down.
by MrChowWow April 12, 2006
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a little red monster bug thing that chases you and attacks you untill you blow it away or it explodes due to over-excitement, makes a funny chirping sound, comes from snark nests
ahhhhh snarks!! run!! there's too many and i only got a gauss gun!!
by hex_ten December 10, 2003
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Mysterious or unknown, possibly non-existent, bug in a process, system or software that manifests in an unclear or inconsistent manner; difficult to confirm or track down, like hunting a snipe.
Some bugs you can search for before ever releasing the program, and some you can catch during beta-testing, but a snark just has to be experienced by a user.
by lb2nz November 4, 2005
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To grab, to snatch, to steal legally. See also "yoink" and "gank".
by CallistaZM December 19, 2006
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an abriviation for Snotty, (k)Now-it-all, Annoying, Rotten, Kids

it was used a lot to descibe campers at an english horse riding summer camp
Those campers last week were such snarks!
by Super Geek November 10, 2005
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To steal something with deft and subtlety, or to steal the last item of a group
I was going to eat my last SnackPack, but Kevin snarked it already, that bastard.


Check out this martini glass I snarked from the bar, I had to hide it under my shirt to get it out of there.
by Verno July 8, 2005
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