The practice of selecting one female in which you have genuine interest, rather than persueing sexual intercourse with numerous women.
by JWooden271 December 6, 2003
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The never ending struggle between a lot of cheap crap or a smaller amount of expensive crap.
"Wal-Mart is cheap, but they really need to spend less time on quantity and more time on quality."


"Bill G., the new CEO, had some quality vs. quantity decisions to make regarding his company's product. He couild either produce a lot cheaply, or produce fewer but better goods."
by Jason K December 3, 2003
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The quandary of whether to achieve one's goals with a few products of high quality, or many products of low quality, as one cannot have both high quality and high quantity
The dilemma the farmer faced was one of quality vs. quantity--should he plant many seeds of a variety with a low germination rate, or fewer seeds of a variety with a high germination rate.
by Whiskey Zulu December 7, 2003
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When planning a particular task, one might ask oneself, "Quality or quantity?" Focusing on either may consume the same amount of time and resources, but the result will often be significantly different.
When I make chocolate chip cookies, I always consider quality vs. quantity. If I'm baking for a larger group, I'll make more cookies, but they'll be smaller.
by Daniel Premo December 11, 2003
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A hella ugly lookin dude with a huge dick vs a hella good lookin dude with a chode
i dont think u want an example
by HAzE July 29, 2004
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having really good bud over having alot of commerical grade bud.
my boyz alwayz smoke that madd good quality homegrown shit not that back yard brown shit
by ME September 28, 2004
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