115 definitions by B-Drac

Victims to anal-cancer from farting upon each other once too much.
Shut your fucking face, uncle fucker. You're a boner-biting, ass-licking uncle fucker. You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn, you just fuck your uncle all day long!
by B-Drac July 26, 2003
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Fuck, shit, piss, titties and B-Drac.
"Get off my lawn, you fuck."

"Feed my fish, shit-brick."

"I couldn't give a piss about your grades."

"Hey titties, where're my boots?"

"Hey B-Drac, I heard you were a billionare."
by B-Drac November 29, 2003
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Gets sickening after drinking it 5 times a week, like I did.
At least its better than Cherry Coke. That shit sickens me after one bottle.
by B-Drac August 28, 2003
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To be slack in several ways, against several people, more several reasons.
Public schools are so multislack.
by B-Drac July 26, 2003
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What an area (usually a cemetary or an establishment such as a castle or church) is where ghosts, ghouls, spirits and spectres can be found floating around meaninglessly.
My shirt is haunted.
by B-Drac November 7, 2003
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I didn't understand the other definition at all. "Slp a girl in the butt o the chest"?
by B-Drac August 28, 2003
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