Prepubescent girls who already dress like whores
by gg August 1, 2003
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Those 12-14 year old girls who dress like underaged prostitutes..generally found hanging around malls.
Though they may not look like it, Prostitots are still illegal to touch.
by Joshua January 18, 2004
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A young girl who dresses in a way that is inapproriately revealing for her age. Prostitute + tot = prostitot.
Did you see that prostitot? She couldn't have been more than 15. Who the hell let her out of the house dressed like that?
by Elaine25 July 8, 2006
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A very young, scantily dressed/provocitavly clad teenager. Usually between the ages of 9-15.
A prostitot is a young girl trying to look sexy and cool, but ends up looking like a little prostitute, and thus called a prostitot
by CGAquaholic May 22, 2006
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(n) 1. Young Girl who dresses in a scandelous manner. 2. Female preteen intent on attracting adult men.
That prostitot is showing her diaper.
by Aaron Sinwell August 28, 2005
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A small child who dresses like a prostitute in clothing, make-up or other things. Also a random insult to confuse stupid people.
"That little prostitot's shirt is smaller than some of my bathingsuits."

"Did you see Ally's shirt? She is such a prostitot."

"My computer is a prostitot."
by Bey April 21, 2003
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a preteen girl who dresses like a prostitute in skanky clothes.
"Damn, look at that 6th grader. She looks like a prostitot."
by razorblade_cherry August 4, 2005
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