by Jason December 18, 2003
8-12 year old dancers at Abby Lee Dance Studio (Reign Dance) in costumes for their "Electricity" number, and "What Comes Around" number.
"Its just embarrassing for our daughters to be up there looking like that. They look like prostitots."
"When Abby walks in with these costumes, all I'm thinking is: This is prostitots the sequel."
"When Abby walks in with these costumes, all I'm thinking is: This is prostitots the sequel."
by Dance Moms Definitions August 11, 2012
A dyslexic 12 year-old girl who thinks she's 21 and dresses accordingly. Thongs, tank tops, short skirts and other revealing clothes are the hallmarks of the prostitot.
by DUTF September 28, 2005
Those 12-14 year old girls who dress like underaged prostitutes..generally found hanging around malls.
by Joshua January 18, 2004
A prostitot is a young girl trying to look sexy and cool, but ends up looking like a little prostitute, and thus called a prostitot
by CGAquaholic May 22, 2006
(n) 1. Young Girl who dresses in a scandelous manner. 2. Female preteen intent on attracting adult men.
by Aaron Sinwell August 28, 2005
A white trash young girl around the ages of 10-15 who acts and dresses like an older white trash woman, specifically a Prostitute.
by Haley Boppins July 13, 2004