1) Lets compare macintosh to an airline:

All the stewards, captains, baggage handlers, and ticket agents look and act exactly the same. Every time you ask questions about details, you are gently but firmly told that you don't need to know, don't want to know, and everything will be done for you without your ever having to know, so just shut up.

2) Here are some comments on one of the entries speaking in defence of macs:

"You may have used Macs at some point in your lifetime, doesn't mean you know everything about them. Stop spreading BS."

I probably know more than you, even though I use Windows:

Most software that is developed for Macintosh (other than the {shitty} OS itself) is written using Microsoft Visual C++ Cross-Platform Development Edition. Guess what? VC++CPE runs on WINDOWS ONLY! In other words, macintosh is the WORST choice for programmers/developers such as myself. kthx

""Adobe abandoned them" Yes, that's why they still actively develop Mac apps. What a steel trap mind you've got!!"

They still develop Mac apps, true, but guess what they use to develop them? Microsoft Visual C++ Cross-platform Development edition! (see what I mentioned about VC++ above)

"" that cant run any good programs." Macs started the desktop publishing revolution, were the first computers to run Excel natively, were the first computers to run Photoshop natively ... the list goes on and on."

But can they run command-line tools like most other OS's like Windows, Linux, etc??????????? NO. Granted using a GUI (Graphical User Interface) program is easier but command-line programs tend to be faster, smaller, less runtimes, etc. And if you weren't a complete retard then you wouldnt have any problem whatsoever using a command-line tool/program.

"D. They aren't paperweights. I'm using a Mac right now damnit. Anyone with HALF A FUCKING BRAIN knows that Macs are useful. Your little Windows mags even use Macs in their art department. Mhm, that's right."
Hmm... you know what was probably used to develop the Macintosh painting thing or w/e its called? microsoft visual c++ cross-platform development edition. (See what I mentioned about that earlier in this entry.) Get that fact into your thick skull, k?
To sum it up,

Windows > Macintosh
All other OS's > Macintosh

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A Lame, overpriced excuse for a computer. Useful for people under the age of seven who enjoy a ugly and confusing user interface with a small list of compatible programs.
Stupid 7 y.o: Hey i just got the macintosh macbook air today, its the worlds thinnest laptop!!11

Normal 7 y.o: WTF Why did you do that

Stupid 7 y.o: Because its thin and you can play Microsoft Word on it!

Normal 7 y.o: Microsoft word isn't a game you idiot

Stupid 7 y.o: But Steve Jobs told me it was the best program that worked on the system

Normal 7 y.o: Yeah that's cause its from Microsoft!
by MACS EAT DICK! July 11, 2008
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What hippies use to feel proud of themselves because they've steered wide of the herd.
Guy: Why'd you buy a macintosh?
Guy2:Why not?
Guy2:Oh...but the design looks cool!
by Mr. Jojo September 8, 2006
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Macintosh is a horrible operating system that freezes and sucks for gaming. Steve Jobs is a douche for making it.
Mac:Im a Macintosh
Pc: and Im a Pc
Mac: I can't play games and am only useful for a cespool.
Pc: I can play great Microsoft games with all my gaming awesomeness.
Mac: {freeze}
Pc: predictable
by James Niet September 7, 2007
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A so-called computer favored by the following groups of people:

- Dweebs that have been going to college for more than 6 years straight. They have lost all touch with the real world and have quite possible gone insane from consuming too many Ramen noodles.
- Dweeb faggots. They like the purple ones.
- Dweeb faggot hippies. Socks with Birkenstock sandals. Says all you need to know. I guess you can be stoned for four decades straight and still figure out a Mac.
- Dweeb faggot hippie leftists in the media. They see their friends use 'em and therefore got to have one themselves. Groupthink is what they are all about. These are the types that usually reside on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.
- Dweeb faggot hippy leftists in Hollywood (directors and celebritards, especially). If Apple actually had the market share portrayed by movies and television (90% of them seem to use Macs), they would be stomping the PC market into the ground (but they are not). Of course, since Hollywood almost never gets current technology correct ("Jack Bauer needs a socket!"), we know they are full of shit about Macs, too.
Fagboy says, "Hey, at least my Macintosh has never gotten a virus." Put a foot in Fagboy's ass and tell him, "Spending the time to write a virus for a Mac is like releasing a movie on BetaMax tape."

Fagboy says, "Macintosh is better for design/desktop publishing." Tell Fagboy, "Get your head out of your 1994 ass. PC has caught up to and surpassed Macs in every area in which Mac used to have an advantage."

Fagboy says, "I like the games for Macintosh." Tell Fagboy, "STFU and quit pretending to like playing Sim City 2000 because you have no other choices."

Fagboy says, "Macintosh is easy to use." Tell Fagboy, "So is your mother, but I would be embarrassed to get caught on camera doing it."

Macintosh sucks. 'nuff said.
by Impugn April 15, 2008
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A word which sets off something in people's minds which turns them into assholes.
Dude: Hey guys, I got one of them new Apple macintosh computers today.

Dude 2/random person (esp. on internet): *explodes, accuses Dude of being a liberal/hippie/faggot/all of the above*

Dude: ...
by HerrJazz January 3, 2009
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Macintosh was made by someone who thought they were very cool, but unfortunately made a pretty crap OS that cant run any good programs.
-Dosent work properly
by peeeee March 19, 2005
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