Derivitive of langer meaning drunk or 'pissed'
I was so langers after the pub last night I woke up in the park, boy!
by Biorn July 3, 2005
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1. a prick

2. to be langered (drunk)

3. idiot
1. all teachers are langers

2. oh god my head i was langered last night

3. did ya see that langer over there he fell again
by chadsexington4 October 4, 2006
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Derived from langer. see that.
He was langerated. Also he was langers.
by Gearóid Ó Laoi April 24, 2005
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1. Penis
2. Thundering idiot
3. drunk (pl)
He was so langers (or langerated) last night, he never put his langer back in after a wazz(pee), what a langer!
by RaZaHberry October 5, 2006
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To reach an advanced stage of inebriation through the imbibing of multiple alcoholic beverages.
"I was sad langers last night old boy"
by cheeses of Nazereth March 30, 2009
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Langers means cool. Well actually it means sodomy, but sodomy is cool.
Dude 1: "Dude the cast of Monk are doing a special reunion" Dude 2: "Langers!"
by Potatery April 14, 2019
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langers = drunk
langer= insult
my langer=penis
dude your such langer,you got so langers and whipped out you langer in front my gran.
by r_d_m December 2, 2010
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