n. a gathering place for Mustangs.
n. a party with a lot of Mustangs and a few honored plus ones.
v. to get a bunch of Mustangs together in one place.
n. Megan's house in Saratoga
"Did you guys see what happened at the last stable on the episode that was on last night?!?"

"Shits crazy man, those Mustangs are insane"
by Bartdog October 24, 2011
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What Windoze isn't. What UNIX based systems are.
M$ slave: "Ugh, my fucking windows PC fucking crashed again!"
Cool guy 1: "Get Linux, then. It never crashes."
Cool guy 2: "Or get Macs, they look and function hella better than dumbass PCs"
by The Dork Cheese December 13, 2004
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when your crush is struggling to maintain some kind of emotional linearity.
lend a mental hand
thank fuck i am more stable than you. this could go terriblue wrong if one of us wasnt
by Krkič April 22, 2019
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Oh, yeah, no you're right I'm a complete nutjob. Buuuut.... If you're weaponizing schizophrenia against your moratl enemy... Should you really be allowed to keep your license? I mean... for a guys who has said on multiple occasions that he's "never seen anyone get away with anything" Why did you think you could participate in that an nothing would happen to you? You and Dr. David Bus somehow got a recording of me saying I was "Uniquely charming" at a DnD session and quoted me publicly, on camera and posted it to your channel and then gave a speech that I literally wrote, even though I have know way of know how you're seeing any of this. You really think nobody is watching huh? That is wild. I also didn't make any complaints.
Hym "Hey! You watch that tone of your young lady! You know what you're doing over there. Nobody made you do that shit. You could have helped me immediately. I'm in a bit of a pickle. And if I'm that unstable how is what you're doing not the exact opposite of what you should be doing? You clearly make house calls. Ask christiano ronaldo. You're doing this to yourself because you wanted to teach someone a lesson and now look at you. Both of you. And Thomas Delauer is more qualified to talk about your diet than you. I've had more stolen from me than you'll ever earn in your life and I don't have nepotism working for me. I had to actually build my fanbase from the group up. I mean really. What did you think was going to happen with you doing that? Huh? You need to rethink your attitude. Go sit on the stairs. Your father and I are going to talk and you can rejoin the conversation when learn how to behave yourself."
by Hym Iam January 12, 2023
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When a man and a woman copulate doggystyle while wearing feedbags and eating.
"Girl, I'm so hungry and horny, so we're gonna have to rock this stable style!"
by theballs11 November 9, 2012
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A whorehouse; a great place for young men to mate with older pathetic women.
One day Nick went to the Vrabel Stable and there was like lesbians and gays everywhere; he got so much twang it was unbelieveable.
by Bill Malone April 9, 2007
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A selection of fat ladies roaming a barn eating the feces of past animals.
I went to a hoe down last friday and met a whole muffin stable by the bathroom.
by Dr. Blueberry September 30, 2013
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