Take a good look in the mirror if you want the definition.
The fact that you've never been visited by even one garbage truck surprises me.
by Yopmail User November 19, 2022
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Did you see who was kicked off the island on that garbage show?
by jondapicam November 4, 2003
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Something that is weak, useless, not good quality. Similar to wack.
"Man that new video game is garbage, don't even waste your money on it"
by DetroitSlang May 14, 2003
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to tear up garbaging on someones lawn or street preferably the night before garbag day and it makes a huge mess and they have to clean it up.
OH MAN we did a seven bag garbage on nick and there was a mountain of garbage then we did it again the next day. I love garbaging so much
by Organ Donor May 12, 2006
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It is anything that is useless and non-sense. It could be someone who is non-sense or not worth dealing with or listening to. Taken from the word garbage.
His ideas are garbagic.
Don't entertain garbagic thoughts.
Avoid garbagic people for nothing can be learned from them.
by hardpen October 10, 2010
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