
I climbed a mountain
by Elegant Top Hat September 6, 2017
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He had a mountain of work after school.
by The Return of Light Joker June 19, 2009
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Boy, isn't Janvier a mountain
by General_Truffles March 10, 2003
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A big mound of dirty dirt and rocky rocks
wow. Dat a big mountain.
by smigpotato February 24, 2020
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A big bulk in the landscape.
Fuck. Dammit. What a big mountain. Let's look at it.
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by Crash Miller July 11, 2008
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(noun): Indicative of coffee grains laced with meth, especially from local joints like fred's coffee. You know it's meth when there are photos of mountains on your van - and tinted windows mean it's really a druggie vehicle. These types of mountains are most prevalent in the northern united states, mostly in small cities all over Maine. Another word for a mountain is a wenus.
Let's pick up a mountain to put on our pancakes at early bird, just like confectionery sugar!
by Latarene May 3, 2008
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