(Noun) Slang for an object or person introduced into an environment in order to make that environment more habitable for more stupid children.
Parent: Oh, where's that lovely detailed globe of the world gone, Mrs Klaptrap?

Teacher: Too complicated for suburb kids, so we got an elmo in. It only shows where North America and Iraq are, and later we'll add the ballistic missile trajectory to it once they're up to third grade.
by Coaldrone January 21, 2004
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A red furry puppet thing that has a pet goldfish.
This "puppet" is known to have a gun in his diaper stash.

He will kill you in your sleep or show up in a mirror whenever you look in one.

DONT LOOK IN A MIRROR THAT HAS A MIRROR ACROSS FROM IT or then Elmo comes to be more powerful because he is now a polturguist!

Cally: "Wanna summon Elmo in the mirror?"
Haley: "How do you do that?"
Cally: "Yell, 'ELMO YOU ARE A GAY PUPPET' into the mirror and wait."
*Elmo appears in the mirror and shoots them*
by Misseshappydinkles December 5, 2007
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The best and most adorable character on Sesame Street, bar none! Also available in foot-high plushie form.
by Solitaire August 20, 2003
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1. A little red dude on Sesame Street who now has his own crapshoot *ahem* show, Elmo's World. Voiced by a black guy named Kevin Clash.
2. A slang word used by preps in the remotest of cities in Western Canada meaning french kiss.
1. Sissy, put in my Elmo tape, pwease!
2. Oh my gosh, last night I elmoed with Joey!!!
by Psyche May 15, 2004
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A tall ginger person that can usually be found wandering the streets of the English town of Workington. He is usually found late at night and answers to the name Lee or Elmo.
I saw Elmo last night walking past the skatepark.
by michael terleckji December 10, 2005
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A high pitched freak of nature that has no moral, educational, or really any value whatsoever. In fact, it's been studied that television causes some autism, so elmo is really just making your children retarded.
Nananana, nananana, Elmo's world!
by dfljadf October 25, 2006
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