A slang term referring to a middle-aged or old person. Could be insulting depending on intent.
"That old coot."
by Dark Knight March 29, 2004
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(slang)- of great shock value.
Prounounced C(ewe)T, the longer the "ewe" the more shock value. COOOOOOOOOT vs COOT
originating in: Calvert County, MD and spreading like wildfire. Also spelled Koot.
Me to a friend: "I stood in line at the DMV for 6 hours today."

Friend to me:"COOT, that's a long time."

Use of the long "ewe"

Me to friend: "That girl has had 10 STD's in the last year."

Friend: "COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT, That's disgusting."
by EEFIE January 21, 2009
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That coot lost his mind.
by DavidMoore June 7, 2005
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A replacement for the word "cunt" because "cunt" is a bad word
Coot of the day goes to...
by Jkaren614 January 10, 2017
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A small flightless bird indigenous to North America. Genus specie - cootia cootius
eg 1: Every weekend I try to catch coot coot.
eg 2: Stuff my pet coot coot with a kielbasa thanks and regards.
by Webster February 3, 2005
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One man cums in another mans anus, then the first man farts it out over the second mans face.
I feel like cooting your dirty face, bitch!
by Dill Wum December 21, 2010
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A word used typically by a dog or animal with broken English to describe another animal or person, however it is usually used to describe the user of the word themselves.
Dog Owner: Who's a cute puppy? Are you a cute puppy?

Dog: I am! I very coot!
by Bediebys October 13, 2020
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