aka "cider poo" drinking too much cider the nite before and waking up with more than a fat bird
damn i was throwing back the scrumpy last nite got a case of the "green apple splatters"
by kaaos_crust October 16, 2006
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The proper medical term (citation needed) for diarrhea induced by drinking excessive ammounts of gypsy juice causing a severe burning sensation to the anus on the way out.
Dave: "Kev are you OK in there?"

Kev : "No mate im shitting brown water that is burning the fuck outta my ass!"

Dave: "That'll be the green apple splatters, dude"

Kev : "It was your idea to buy that cheap fucking scrumpy, you twat!"
by MCMXCV April 26, 2008
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your shit turns green,breaks and slams down the toilet while you bleed out and scream in pain. death follows. usual symptoms are cramps, vegan foods and listening to pink floyd non stop. it killed even the aztecs who despised green. in some cases the forces of hell will force their way out leading to you not being able to die but also feeling unending butt pain.
joe: i can't hold it!

(2 hours later)

JOE! ( green shit fills the toilet while joe clings to life)

"i had the green apple splatters, my body is broken, OH GOD NO!!

(craps out skeleton) why can't i die? no dear god (gets dragged to hell)

honey i need to pee

go ahead


not again!
by I h8 nes March 24, 2014
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to be very ill, and take a green , diarea shit, and wipe it on a stick and serve it for lunch, along with a topping of several quiffs
Im going to pull a big green apple splatter on your mother.
by Jordan January 17, 2004
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When you had a wonderful night around a good camp fire and had a few drinks and in the morning you go down to the blueberry patch and get a good fill of berries right off the plant good way to fill the belly in the morning wait... wait... that afternonn still have had anything else to eat and im in the liquor store in canada and whooppps theres that earge gladly i used the bathroom good thing it was a small town store or i would had a bad mishap in the cart space
dont eat alot blueberries in the morning on a empty belly
or you will have the green apple splatters
by jeff broadbely March 28, 2008
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saying ridiculous or awkward embarrassing things that have no context in the conversation.

Can also be described as conversation diarrhea or word vomiting.
That guy was so weird when he couldn't stop talking in that meeting. It was like he had green apple splatters of the mouth.
by mlo0224 April 15, 2010
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