219 definitions by Jordan

Best time killing game ever invented and is very usefull when trying to fuck with teachers ect. at school.
Lets go play hack in the hall during lunch untill we get kicked out and have to go to another hallway.
by Jordan May 8, 2004
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Clearly the most impressive continent on earth and clearly the most powerful. The U.S has the power, Canada has the natural resources, and Mexico has the sweat shop labour all readily available
by Jordan August 19, 2004
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the act of hanging out with another person
Hey, so do you wanna come over and cheese later on?
by Jordan March 29, 2005
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a hearty stew consisting of the taxonomy mammailia stuffed, filled, basted, and ingested and filtered throught the digestive track of a whale (preferabbly sperm).
that's some chyaunt ass mammalaya
by Jordan January 21, 2004
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1.)To become a homosexual Pedophile after violently gang banging a DILF.
2.) One who gives up his sexual profile to become a Homosexual Pedophile
3.)Liking New Found Glory making you a Homosexual Pedophile
1.) Dude 1"Sorry dude I can't go rapewith someones Dad tonight"
Dude2 "Why not?"
Dude1 "I'm a Homosexual Pedophile now"
2.) I'm sick of dead people, I think I'll go molest little children of the same sex at the park
3.)New Found Glory rocks! To bad I like little boys instead of ditzy blonde dads.
by Jordan February 5, 2003
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A failed attempt at a moustache. Is often stroked when in deep thought or stalking. Cannot be shaved, apparently.
by Jordan October 26, 2004
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Founded by Jordan, Hershel, and Nicos. Originated in the city of El Paso, Texas. The cock block squad is notorious for their extreme ability to cock block any one at any moment. Diego is a prime victim.
Bro, did you see Diego and Adriana hooking up? Of course Not! I cockblocked the fucking shit out of them!
by Jordan April 11, 2005
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