A word to express acceptance or agreement. Can be used in place of "yes". Mostly used among pirates.
by Big Indian July 17, 2003
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Yars is an expression used when one is in an elated state. The word is a combination of "Yeah" and "Rawr". When used properly, Yars can induce mass gratification to those who hear it. It creates pure happiness.
Billy and I had the best date ever!! I've never had so much fun in my life. Yars!!
by kleither August 28, 2010
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Also means on the level...when a ship is said to be Yar, she's perfectly loaded and level from stem to stern and port to starboard.
Aye, the old girls yar lads so let's cast off and be on with it
by Rik June 22, 2004
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Nearly rhetorical affirmative response to someone else's observation. Often muttered by pirates.
Passerby: Thee's a steering wheel sticking out of your pants!

Pirate: Yar, it's driving me nuts...
by Looger March 10, 2004
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Dexter: Yes, yes. She was quite a boat, the True Love, wasn't she?
Tracy: Was, and is.
Dexter: My, she was yar.
- Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story
by Jazz March 12, 2004
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A word of agreement, similar in use to “yes”.
Yurn: “tryna make some yirts?”
Noah: “Yarrrr.”
by Yurn August 7, 2019
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Yar, I just ate your kids and plunder your village!
by Randy July 24, 2003
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