n. pronounced froog. from the adjective frugal. (1) A person who is extremely tight-fisted with money. Considered cheap, miserly, penny-pinching, selfish. Always has a negative connotation - thrifty would not be a synonym.

n. (2) a popular dance from the 60s
Loretta's boyfriend never wants to pay for anything if and when they go out; he's such a frug.

Grace's parents always embarrassed her at family functions by dancing the frug like they did back in the day.
by TBea April 23, 2008
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holy shit. check out that frug over there.

you're such a fucking frug
by Scrappy G August 8, 2010
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An exclamation used exclusively when you've accidentally just agreed to go on a date with someone that you consider to be repugnant.

Other person: "Hey, so, uh, what are you doing this Saturday night?"
You: "Oh, nothing much. Going to Coffee Shop X to study, probably."
Other person: "See you there!"
You: "Frug!"
by BabeMagnet69 February 20, 2009
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The act or frontal hugging a member of the opposite sex.
That guy is always frugging the women at church.
by Manjopp January 9, 2017
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A shortened version of "Free Hugging" used in the fictional game "Quark"
"It's like Quake, but insted of fragging people, you frug them!"
by Robert Battersby November 13, 2005
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The act of using a frog's mouth to perform oral sex on oneself or a partner.
'Katie picked up the frog and frugged Calvin's erect member with it.'
by Spacey kate February 15, 2016
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