an extremely influential powerviolence band from california.
by BlazeOvTorment July 31, 2010
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a term offensive to the disabled, originating from spastic (now un-PC word for sufferers of cerebral palsy) to suggest someone is acting in a retarded way

see also spazzer, spaz
you spilt all the beer you spazz
by wankfest September 5, 2004
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SPAZZ is a group made up by A.P. and J.G. to represent all the spazz' of the world.
It means you are crazy, wild, unpredictable, and weird.
Look at that girl she's total SPAZZ material!
by Allie_Babyy December 26, 2007
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Spazz someone is weird, jittery, unstable, and or crazy.
"OMG did you see tweek he is such a spazz!"

"If you break up with a clingy girl/boyfriend they will probably spazz out."
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A perverted creature whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior. Still unknown because so many of your definitions are fucked up
Spazze is attacking a stranger in the street!
by SKY7 August 23, 2009
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A geeky or dorky person who exhibits spastic behavior.
"Settle down Willie. Stop jumping around and making those hand gestures. You're such a spazz."
by Gnos9 March 22, 2008
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