An extremely powerful queef; A violent eruption from the male genitalia that instantly transforms he-who-quafed into a female.
Person 1: "Dude! I quafed so hard last night!"
Person 2: "Queefquaftittotgooglygoochy"
Person 3 (obseving Persons 1 and 2): "Classic menoche."

Upon hearing a powerful explosion, Jim rushed back to the bedroom to discover that Tim had quafed a hole into the ceiling. "TIM! Are you alright?!", he roared. Tim replied, "Shut the gow."
by Theocracy September 2, 2010
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When a women queefs and farts at the same time words collide! Its the most unsettling thing known to man kind
Cynthia totally had to Quaf after sex and her insides blew up it was a total mess! That Quaf was Disgusting I didn't know if she shit her self or was trying to blow up a balloon.
by Snoochie February 19, 2015
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a rumbly fart in which the air forcefully disturbs the ball sack
Craig let quaf so disturbing, that it disabled his ability to procreate
by King Cobe Bra April 14, 2009
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Really long and messy hairdo.
"Yo look at this guys quaf, looks like hes growing that for money"
by Marek k April 29, 2007
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Tina and Jenny quaffed today during biology.
by TehLeafyLettuce October 30, 2011
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noun: an obnoxiously large mountain shaped or seed bumb like fold of hair on top of a females head.
that girls quaf could pretect me from getting shot in world war 2.
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