Also known as Tomkat.
Member of worst publicity stunt after Anna Nicole Smith and Paris Hilton.
by Luizza July 1, 2006
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annoyingly in love with tom cruise. insists on eating his face in every public place. obsessed with scientology..whatever that is.
katie holmes: "yes we are in love, i love him so much etc etc etc"
by sex_pants April 11, 2006
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A total bitch that is in love with a total fag. And the only way that Tom Cruise gets attention is by jumping on an annoying black ladies couch.

by Katie, Ironicly July 25, 2006
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a drastic and abrupt fluctuation to the state of arousal in which a fully erect penis losses all blood flow becoming irreversibly flaccid. Commonly repulisive or offensive behavior such as marrying Tom Cruise can lead to this, at times downright embarrassing condition.
"and then what?"

-"she pulled down her panties."
"annnd then??"

-"I don't want to talk about it bro."
"c'mon, you're killing me. what did she do next?"

-"she grabbed a cereal bowl..."

-"and then she squat over it and took a shit."
"what the fuck?"

-"yeah bro. the smell was awful."
"I can't believe that. That chick is so unbelievably hot. What the hell did you do?"

-"what do you think I did? I put my pants back on and split."
"you didn't even have her give you a hummer or a hand job after sitting through something like that?"

-"dude...she shit some nasty fume filled diarrhea in a cereal bowl 6 inches away from me. No hummer or hand job in the world would have done any good. It was so Katie Holmes bro, that black dude from the Green Mile couldn't have even fixed my wood."
by kcnca October 3, 2009
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a very Hot Actress who's only 26 use to date and was engaged to chris klein but not anymore. she plays in Dawsons Creek. movies. abandon the gift. go teaching mrs. tingle and disturbing behavior.
Katie Holmes Very Great Actress and hot wish i could Date her if i was rich.
by Ratt April 9, 2005
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A minor actress who was so obsessed with Tom Cruise since she was a teen. She had a poster of him on her wall. She because an actress and starred in dreck like 'Dawson's' and some forgettable flicks. She met Tom Cruise during the Aughts and every time you watched the tube or surfed the net, you'd see pics of them smooching under a table, on a floor, against a wall, everywhere. He was 43, she was 26 and a virgin (supposedly). Converting to Tom's Scientology cult, they held a shotgun wedding that her Catholic parents didn't even bother attending. After giving birth to daughter Suri and Tom eating her placenta, they later divorced. Now she dates/chases other movie stars so she is one of the most notorious STARFUCKERS around today. She sold her soul for this. A total sellout.
1. Katie Holmes was a cute young lady when she chased Tom Cruise/Cruz. now as a starfuck single mom, she's looking tired and isn't getting too much Hollyweird work lately. But she got that Big Fat Money and child support. Yeah yeah yeah.

2. One of my hobbies is astronomy and during the late Aughts a comet named Holmes (after it's discoverer) experienced an unexpected ice explosion on its head, making a nice display in binoculars. My friends and family joked about Comet Holmes being 'prettier than Sherlock Holmes, Larry Holmes (80s boxing champ with NO ego) and Katie Holmes'. I said, 'Of course Comet Holmes is 'prettier than Katie, she's just a gold-digging dumb starfucker'. Then I got dirty looks.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice April 13, 2022
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