13 definitions by Luizza

A medical specialization satanized by people who have nothing to talk about and/or write self-help books. Usually they need mental counseling themselves, they just don't have the IQ required to know who a good psychiatrist is.

Usually people who are "against" psychiatry and psychiatric medications have never suffered from a major mental disorder, so SHUT THE F**K UP
-I know the history of neurosurgery. Can I operate on your brain?

-Thousands of people have benefited from psychiatric medications and well trained physicians. You should listen to them instead of ENTERTEINER Tom Cruise.

-Antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs have side effects because they are evil. People should never take antibiotics. They have side effects, that makes them evil too.

-Tom Cruise seems to suffer from manic-depressive disorder. He could use the help of psychiatry.

-If vitamins keep Tom Cruise sane and grounded, pass the Prozac.
by Luizza November 5, 2006
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Bogotá D.C.
Country poorly portrayed in the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith": helicopters bombing Bogotá, an apocalyptic scenario with houses on fire, illustrating the capital as a rural little town with no buildings or evidence of any urban development. Hotels with fans give the idea of an unbearable heat, even though Bogotá is 2640 meters (8661 feet) above sea level. No pavement on the streets and a bar filled with rioted chicken. The actors who play the part of the police men in this Colombia deplorable cartoon wear weird uniforms and speak with Mexican/Caribbean accents even though Bogotá is not anywhere near the coast and some Colombian regions are recognized for having one of the best Spanish in Central and South America, and are even criticized/made fun of by the rest of the country for having a somewhat stiff accent.

Less than four weeks after its release in Colombia, the General Secretary of the City Hall, Enrique Borda, sent a letter of protest to the director Doug Liman. In the letter he states that "It is evidenced, beyond any doubt, that the director and his production crew show a total level of ignorance by portraying (the city) as incipient (...), primitive, with scarce hotel infrastructure, dominated by poverty, depressed, disorganized, with high levels of violence; in conclusion, totally chaotic and not attractive at all". Borda also points out in his text that Colombia was awarded with the title of "City of Peace" by the Unión de Ciudades Capitales Iberoamericanas (UCCI) and was declared "World Book Capital 2007" by UNESCO.
Doug Liman should have done a Google search.

Colombia is the shit!
by Luizza June 28, 2006
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Will someone give him a blow job so someone can impeach him?
George Bush: Where the hell are my guns?
by Luizza October 4, 2006
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1.To be attracted to the same sex.

2.Homosexual people are judged based on a book written 2000 years ago and two mythical characters called Adam and Eve.

3. Gay people are often judged on double standards.
1. George likes Michael. Linda likes Sarah.

2. People who say homosexuality is wrong/a sin are afraid they are the same.

3. Two lesbians on tv are hot, but two guys are gross (look "sarcasm")
by Luizza November 6, 2006
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1.To be attracted to the same sex.

2. Gay people are judged based on a book written 2000 years ago and two mythical characters called Adam and Eve.

3. Gay people are often judged on double standards.

4. People who say homosexuality is wrong/a sin are afraid they are the same.
1. George likes Michael. Linda likes Sarah.

2. 4000 years ago monkeys didn't have names.

3. Two lesbians on tv are hot, but two guys are gross (look "sarcasm")

5. Carlos says homosexuality is a sin and gays will rotten in hell because he's still in the closet.
by Luizza November 6, 2006
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The sound of a dying cat.

Someone who's televised/live shows suck enormously.

Someone who got famous by being wrongfully compared to SINGER/LYRICIST Alanis Morissette even though she was quoted saying "At least I take showers".

Entertainer who got tired of being called a poseur therefore started writing her own songs and changed her image.

Britney in a bad hair day.
Person #1: Let's go to karaoke show!
Person #2: No way! I won't pull another Avril again!

She took singing lessons a little too late. She pulled an Avril Lavigne.

She called herself punk, now is a model. She's so Avril.

by Luizza July 1, 2006
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"I never claimed to be (punk)"
"The multimedia bio included with Let Go, released earlier this summer, describes Lavigne as 'a skater-punk, a dynamic spirit, a true wild child'"

"Yes, I was a cheerleader and did enjoy it, but people hold that against me... I'm as punk as they come. I'm not some Britney Spears wannabe"

"I would describe myself as Avril Lavigne to someone if they asked me to describe myself cause the thing i hate about this, being in my situation, is that you get labelled you know, i've been labelled as Avril Lavigne "Sk8er Chick!"

"Who are Nirvana? Are they a rock band?"

"Of course, I've been compared to Kurt Cobain, we are both rock legends."

"I definitely have a rock star life"

"I'm a hardcore skater punk"

"People are like "Well, she doesn't know The Sex Pistols". Why would I know that stuff? Look how young I am. That stuff's old, right?"

"I'm like a Syd Vicious for a new generation"

“I suck at sk8ing! I mean, I love it, I think it’s fun but I do it in my free time. I don’t want anyone hand me my sk8 and get me on tape ‘cause I’m no expert. I fall a lot, although everyone falls”

"I get tired on the road. I've got Radio Disney to keep me company"

"I am not a party person"

"I like to jump on tables and wreck things once in a while. When I drink I am the party"

"Everyone just like decided to label me punk because I was different and I had more of edge. OK, I'm not made up. I write my own songs"

"People like Shakira shouldn't have record contracts. She can't even speak English"

"Skater Boy' is one of the most hardest, rawest songs ever made."

"I don't wanna be no fake pop sh*t"

"My music is true rock."

"To write a song, i sit down with my guitar and write whatever is on my mind."

"I write all of my songs with co-writers."

"I play the guitar for most of my songs"

"I only play guitar for like 2 songs on the album"

"I don't like using the term "pop star" because that's not my personality. My personality is like a rock star. I'm hardcore

"I don't use sex to sell records"

"I won't let anyone turn me into a sex symbol"

"I look hot and if you don't like it suck it"

"I won't change anything because I think the most important thing is being yourself and that's what I'm going to continue to do."
by Luizza October 7, 2007
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