phrase used to express the inability to tolerate the boiling frustration/anger that someone's unbereable personaliby (or actions) brings upon you any longer
-so.... why did you break up with her/him?
-Cuz every day he/she had to start a fucking fight over the most stupid things!;If it was not the way I dressed, then It was the way I talked, or the friends I hanged out with...
-wow, really?

- yeah; I just could not hold that dick up my ass any longer! so I ended it
by lazy_freak154 October 24, 2010
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On October 5th is hold a dick day it quiet simple it’s like grabbing a dick but instead u actually have to feel it so hold it
Heyyy girl how much dicks did u manage to hold today”
“Only like 2 I could rarly feel the rest :(”
“Aww I feel bad mine were good I hope next hold a dick day u get gold ones”
by National daysss October 2, 2020
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Phrase said to clergy when they try to molest you.
Priest: Hey, sweet boy. Wanna try something new?
Choir boy: Hold my dick, creep!
by armerlinsea April 17, 2022
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when you hold someone's penis in your butt or vagina and create a head lock with their penis
Jeremy: Ha, now I have you in a dick hold
Isaac: Please stop showing me your wrestling moves dad
by Allastor April 4, 2021
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The act of being a good sport, taking the bullet, being a team player, etc.
"Oh yeah, Eric? That dude was holding dicks all list night!"
by Orcah May 15, 2020
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A situation in which a woman or girl continues seeing her male partner strictly for sex.
Without knowing anything about the handsome stranger, Stacey wondered if he was perhaps her next Hold a Dick.
by James Cardinal October 18, 2020
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