1. A hard-working individual who grows food and raises animals
2. Slang for penis
1. See that farmer? Respect him.
2. That creep wants to see my farmer.
by hototreeyay April 25, 2015
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Getting wasted watching Farmer Wants a Wife.

Effects of alcohol and drugs may be amplified by the excitement of watching Farmer Wants a Wife.
What the fuck happened on last weeks episode?
I was pretty much farmered after the first ad break.
by Natalie Gruzlewski February 1, 2011
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A professional footballer who is:
(1) Rugged in appearance (usually bearded)
(2) Severely technically limited

(3) Defined by their hard work, bastardry and extreme nationalism which makes up for their lack of fitness or ability
(5) Likely to be toiling in the fields for a living when not playing football
Fucking hell I can’t believe England have just lost to Iceland, they’re just a bunch of farmers mate!
by UTGParker July 3, 2018
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a woman who raises a man's cock
Man: Are you a farmer?
Woman: Why?
Man: Because you raise one helluva of a cock.

by Urban Dictionary November 2, 2005
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Some one who grows marijuana.either in a house or outside.
guy 1:hey man can you hook me up with some weed?

guy 2:yeah for sure,my cousin steve is a farmer!
by R.B.420 November 20, 2010
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Is a term used in assosiation with MMORPG. This is a person who play the game with the primary pourpose of making real life profit. They do this by farming money and items in game and then turn around and sell them on the internet for real life cash. To aid in there farming farmers usually use third party programs and camp out specific location in the game for a long period of time.
It's getting harder to find a good place to level with all the dam farmers everywhere.
by ReaperMage September 13, 2005
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Ever notice how Det. Jones and Smith are the last to show up on a bust but they're the first to find a stash?

Yeah. They're farmers. They plant.
by acidnoir April 7, 2010
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