A word abusive parents use to justify beating their children. What do you call it when an undisciplined person gives disciplinary beatings to others? Hypocrisy.
I'm sick of people beating other people in the name of discipline when they themselves are the ones who need a beating.

by Layko March 21, 2007
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An ultimate attack created by Douglas.

The "Discipline!" technique is performed by getting into a firm leveraged stance, concentrating all of your strength into your dominant arm and unleashing a full swing open palm slap or back hand against your enemy. It is important to use your entire body to unleash the technique and scream "Discipline!" while performing the attack to maximize its destructive power.

It deals heavy damage to its target when it lands and also deals an additional 75% of the primary target damage to anything else within its range of attack. Increased damage can be inflicted by charging the attack and can be used multiple times based on the user's stamina.

This attack is most effective against people who like to bitch like a little girl, act disrespectfully towards you, damage your property, owe you money, disobey your rules, make bad jokes or stupid comments, underestimate your ability to kick ass, or question your manhood and/or lifestyle.
Callahan broke a vase in Doug's house. Doug used the "Discipline!" technique on Callahan and he was sent flying several feet.

Douglas screamed, "Discipline!" and unleashed his ultimate attack on Joshua several times for damaging his Playstation games. Joshua almost died but he no longer makes eye contact with Douglas or touches his belongings without his permission first.
by Douglas-Dono February 7, 2010
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An ass whooping or corporal punishment is discipline, so somebody who got an ass whooping got disciplined, and somebody who got anything else didn't get disciplined, they just got talked to, or made to feel guilty about behavior.
No matter what the news tells you, anybody (employees) who did not get their ass whooped did not get disciplined.
by Solid Mantis July 30, 2019
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Something that ain't done to enough kids anymore.
Bitch you need to take your bratty ass kid and discipline them.
by Blackjacks99 June 23, 2019
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The act of beating the shit out of your kids so they know when to shut their fucking mouth.
Mary: You should really discipline our son, Bill

Bill: Son, bite the table!

(the son then bites the table and the father stomps on the son's head)
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