Pronounced durk. Secondary weapon of a Scottish warrior, after the claymore. The dirk is a long dagger, only slightly too short to be called a short sword. Blade in the range of 14 inches, commonly had only a bound handle, sometimes a small crosshilt.
The mighty warrior from the Highlands was a walking armory; he carried a claymore, a dirk, and a sgian dukh, along with his pack and shield.
by Caribou November 10, 2005
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Dirk is the name of a really sweet guy who is very complicated and likes to make it seem like he's got everything under control (even if his life is a mess).

Dirk's are usually very passionate about the things they love and can get pretty defensive if someone tells them they're doing it "wrong". Dirk's are commonly very caring and would do anything for the people they love, but they also like to appear emotionally detached and they most likely have very low self-esteem.

If you know someone named Dirk and they consider you a friend you should know that they truly care about you even if they don't talk to you very much, he just has a lot on his plate.
Person 1: Man that guy looks like he's really got it all together!

Person 2: Nah man that's just what he wants you to think! He's such a Dirk.
by rolal June 20, 2017
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A person who looks realy great. A sort of prototype.
Wow, *person* looks so good. He sure is a dirk
by awan January 7, 2005
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a really cool person, someone who is so cool everyone wants to be him. usually dresses in big open shirts to show off his chest. gets all the girls.
man, baxter is such a dirk, he gets all the girls and he dresses like a porn star
by -jan February 11, 2005
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1) a small dagger of Scottish origin
2) name of the main character in the video game "Dragon's Lair", short for "Dirk the Daring"
Dirk the Daring killed someone with a dirk.
by eatsdoodoo May 3, 2004
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The process of buying and consuming alcohol from an off-licensed vendor.

The word "Dirk" originates from being the forename of a footballing legend whose surname carries remarkable similarities with the term "carry-out".
"Anyone fancy a Dirk in the shed tonight?"
by GLEN123 August 22, 2009
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When one acts extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant. A modern substitute for the word Bitch. Dirking can be used to explain ones actions when they complain, behave immaturely, or whine.
if your girlfriend is complaining that the two of you "never see any girly movies anymore." you can tell her to "stop Dirking."
by smoothie from clutchfans November 7, 2007
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