Someone who is picky to the point of not being able to shut the fuck up about the bad stuff and concentrate on just ONE good thing around them.
One who opens up their study material, flips on the TV, watches TV for twenty minutes and then exclaims, "STUDYING IS SOOOO HARD!"
"Oh I can't believe I'm getting such a bad grade in this class! Ugh, I don't want to watch this, the TV sucks. I don't feel like studying today. I think I'll just take a nap instead. Wow this bed is so uncomfortable! I wish someone would run me over."

"Shut up and stop being such a complainer before someone DOES."
by The Annoyed Roommate May 2, 2009
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that act of complaining or being in a mood where thats all your doing.
girl: "my back hurts"
guy: "jeez why are you being so complainative?"
by taymann October 21, 2010
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verb: to indirectly indicate (usually verbally) that you are either unwilling or unable to find a solution.
noun: an indirection (usually verbally) that you are either unwilling or unable to find a solution.
He kept complaining about things he hat the power to change.
by tithos December 18, 2014
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A virtual verb that takes singular form regardless of amount of cyberfreaks this refers to since this plurality would be regarded as appropriately irrelevant, commonly used for plain computerised complaints of summary nature prominenlty displayed in blogs, forums and the likes.
Hey, aren't you the bloke who complains 'bout mistakenly taking mistook as alias upon losing an entire day's locality in reality, thanks to Mac and the Bean Stalker.
by Hercolena Oliver July 11, 2008
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1- to say that you are annoyed, not satisfied, or unhappy about something or someone
2-used to say that a situation is satisfactory, even though there may be a few problems
3-to express
1-Residents are complaining because traffic in the area has increased.
2-I make a good living. I can't complain.
3-Dr M.K complains "we don't have any light reading"
by mahmood.Kia December 6, 2013
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“My mom brought me sushi instead of Chic- Fil -A”

Nina stop complaining”
by Golden Face January 16, 2019
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Complaining means that you care, since you are concerned.
by tali February 20, 2003
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