blitz - lightning fast as lightning
krieg - war

a spontanious but severe attack!
used by the german nazis in wwII.
so called sturmtruppen (stormtroops=elite-infantry) attack at a high speed using the momentum of suprise.
by woship_play May 25, 2004
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A guy who sucks alot of cock who plays world of tanks, also rages alot. Plus he moves from clan to clan like a hooker who's offered smack. Gross
"Man, Blitzkrieger is fucking awful. I hope he shoves a cock into his own ass from his collection of devestator 5000 dildos."
by Mr. Extreme March 10, 2015
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Used by the German military and later used by Allied Forces. The name means "lightning war". The concept of Blitzkrieg is "the art of concentrating strength at one point, forcing a breakthrough, rolling up and securing the flanks on either side, and then penetrating like lightning deep into his rear, before the enemy has time to react" (Erwin Rommel). This type of military attack involves mainly armor. Air supremacy is also required for blitzkrieg and many generals such as Erwin Rommel are well known for perfecting this type of battle.
On May 10, 1940 1940 German forces invaded through the Low Countries and the Ardenne Forest completing surrounding Allied Forces. The German blitzkrieg forced the Allies to surrenderer on June 22, 1940 astounding the world at the defeat of France and Britain.
by Seraph17 June 17, 2008
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A state one enters when one has consumed a great amount of marijuana and is beginning to lose control of cognitive functions.
Everyone: What the fucks up with Dan?
Simon: Don't mind Dan, he just smoked five blunts and is extremely blitzkrieged.
by Smnortaculos March 7, 2008
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The state of total drunkenness. Also known as hammered and shit-housed.
Man, did you see Todd at that party last night? He was completely blitzkrieged.
by JohnKlux August 27, 2006
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to be really high to the point of not being able to think
Damn dude, I am blitzkrieged, wha??
by robdog073191 May 5, 2005
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A verb meaning to conquer or steal something lightning fast.
"Daniel blitzkriegged my M&Ms when I looked away."
by tonycapone September 25, 2006
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