Blend of asshole and retard. Can be used in place of or in conjunction with rehole.
"You stupid asstard!"
by K-Statik October 31, 2003
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a retarded person whose head can be found protruding from their rectum
You like Creed, you're an asstard.
by Roper May 10, 2003
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Someone who is both retarded and an asshole.
That meteorite dude is a total asstard.
by CBG April 15, 2007
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Did you see me riding that asstard a few days ago? it nearly ran into a tree!
by Allie December 30, 2004
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1. An insult used by John Ly to verbally inflict pain in others. A combination of the words ass and retard.
That Albert Fall, he's one asstard
by John Ly October 23, 2003
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the act of being asstarted-(adj.)to be an ass hole yet seemingly retarted at the same time
to put out asstardery
"dude, why are you mooning people through my car window? your such an asstard!!!!!!
by OldGregger17 June 30, 2009
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