starer---> one who studies stars
venuser----> one who studies venus
mooner---> one who jumps out of alleys to young women, bent over, showing them his bare derrier sayin "How's this for a black hole?"
venuser----> one who studies venus
mooner---> one who jumps out of alleys to young women, bent over, showing them his bare derrier sayin "How's this for a black hole?"
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 28, 2004
The recreational act of baring one's ass in public with the intention of it being seen by people who don't want, or expect, to see it.
We drove to the Presidio to go mooning in front of the Officer's Club. A car full of majors and colonels followed us all the way back to Oakland. Guess they wanted to see some more moons.
by Cap'n Bullmoose May 13, 2005
by World Domination February 2, 2005
mooning (= going to the moon).
When an asset (for example stock) is highly increasing in value in a relatively short time period / an asset has an explosive increase in value
When an asset (for example stock) is highly increasing in value in a relatively short time period / an asset has an explosive increase in value
by CryptoRetard January 3, 2021
The act of spending time obsessing over something or someone. Like a crazy person, covering their walls with pictures of this other person, or constantly going on about him/it/her, so much so that the slightest reference to this object person drives everybody else crazy.
Dan: "Where is Jim?"
Mike: "Mooning over his ferrari collection."
Dane: "Again?!"
Mike : *nods sadly*
Mike: "Mooning over his ferrari collection."
Dane: "Again?!"
Mike : *nods sadly*
by Mytola August 6, 2006
by eda-skip October 20, 2021
by p12etty October 21, 2007