A Mediterranean/Balkanian culture. People are very family oriented and love food. Are often confused as Greeks or Italians. Are very good looking and classy. Have a kick ass Mafia. Are found in Albania,Kosova,FYROM,Montenego,Sicily,Greece.
Are the ancient Illyrians!
Who's that good looking person???

An Albanian.......duhhhhhhh
by Auroraaaa July 10, 2009
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ALbanians are the most honest and happy, happy, and normal people in this whole world..not like some fake, stuck -up stupid people. One thing for sure is that we're not smelly..we're the most modernized people in clothes..and keeping our selves clean..we even dress up to take out the garbage
by intelligent May 22, 2005
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1.Literally some one who doesnt give a fuck about what the others say, a tough headed guy, he knows he can do things on his own, he cant fight on his own, he can kick ass.
proud to be what he is.
2. despite everything he can be really good friend, he would never bail on you, he is not one of the guys who avoids and stuff, he is the one who would protect you if you are his friend and in danger, he is trustworthy.
3. Sombody who you dont wanna mess around.
Joe :hey That guy is Albanian , and he just beat the shit out of a guy who wanted to take his drink.

John: that guy actually helped on my math project, I think he is cool guy, he might have been just pissed of.
Joe: yeah dont piss off Albanians , you know!
by Ferizay-lee February 3, 2010
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the greats people in the world

they are the people who beat teh fuck put of italians austria-hungariens and germans. the most beutyful and tought people in the whole universe. me most turstworhty people in the world.
Albanians are people of great dignity and respect. People that if u fuck wit will cop u r had off. The people of the two hadded eagle and skenderbeu. They move to uk so they could get a better life cuz their country is going thrught hard time. Albanains have the most beutyful country in the world. Albanians have on of the most ancient country in the world and the best language of all time shqiptare per jet and the cleanest one. i got to agrry wit my boy up u do dress to take the garbage out some time we dress in suit to change are cars oil
I am Albanian
The albania hero is Skenderbeu
ALbanian beat the fuck out of their hate
Dat albanian is going out wit dis fine ass chick
Shqiptaret u qinte nene te terve
by K_thug_albo@hotmail.com March 1, 2006
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Thy containment, (rather by blood, conversion, ejaculation, etc.), of being Albanian 🇦🇱. The individuals whom practice the identification of Albanianism tend to be extremely sexy and rather intelligent. #Shkwiptar👐🏻🇦🇱
Hey, did you see that Tiktok where the extremely handsome, blue eyed, tall, blonde kid named Emirballer converted his school to Albanianism?
by November 26, 2021
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