The only counter against "no u" known to mankind. With this knowledge, you have the power to destroy the world.
Me: Ur mom has multible gays of great sizes
Other person: No u
Me: *Shows an uno reverse card*
Other person: *Fucking dies*
by Hitler1889 March 8, 2018
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An overpowered card that can defend any insult.
Voldemort: Avada Kedavra!
Harry: *pulls out uno reverse card
Voldemort: *dies
by FCCRickRoll250 November 18, 2021
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A phrase which makes another group of phrases opposite.

Friend: "Hey! You talk a lot!"
Me: *Pulls out UNO Reverse Card*
Friend: "Oh Dear! You said that I talk too much..!"
by Greg I.M.Spooky June 3, 2022
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Me Visits My Friend.
My Friend: "You speak alot. You can never stop talking! You're so childish!"
Me: UNO Reverse Card
My Friend: "I never speak a lot and I can stop talking and I am not childish!!!"
by Greg I.M.Spooky June 3, 2022
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There are four bases in a relationship

First base
Second base
Third base
and finally
the Home Plate

First is making out
second is making out with the tongue.
third is touching
and fourth is sex

There are times where there are accidents like rape and underage sex which is considered rape regardless of age. This is when the Bill Cosby Card gets played. Normally it is the man who plays it.

Once the card is played the male is in prison for a matter of 3-10 years for rape.

Don't say I didn't warn you. You already played the card. You're now a registered sex offender.
Troy: I heard Trevor played the Bill Cosby Card, Owen.
Owen: He did WHAT?
Troy: He pulled the Bill Cosby Card!
Owen: Did I hear that right?
Troy: Yes. Trevor boned Amanda just as they started dating and she filed a police report about a rape!
by Anonomous4002 June 17, 2020
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When you are 69ng and you ever so lightly lick the anus.
During my second backwards jockey session, I decided to change things up and swipe the card repeatedly.
by Deezlunch November 14, 2017
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