Ville Hermanni Valo of HIM is a kick ass singer, and an extremely sexy bitch straight from Finland. If you don't love don't love Ville. Simple as that.
Teenie #1: Oh Em Gee!! I lyke totally wana have Ville's baby, cuz he's lykee totally freakin' sexi!!!!!!11 Oh Em Gee!!!!

Teenie #2: Oh Em Gee! Lyke, I totally know what you mean. But his band sucks....but he's really lye effing hot. After you're done with him, pass him around. Okay? Lyke OH EM GEE!!!!11 WE SHOULD TOTALLY BE Lyke BFF's FOR LIKE EVER...we both love VILLE!!!

Me: Shut the fuck up, you blonde-haired, shitholes. HIM is about the music, and the fact that they are a great band. And if there is room.....then yes, he is fucking sexy. And by the way, there's not a chance of you having his babies, either of you. So deal bitches. Suck it up, and go home, and stick to your little boy bands like N*Sucks, and Backstreet*we fuck after every show* Boys.
by Kit05Kat June 20, 2005
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Singer, lyricist and chief song-writer of the Finnish 'love metal' band HIM. Songs are chiefly concerned with love, loss, pain, death and that kind of thing. The man himself polarises opinion even more than his band: the two main schools of thought are 'desperate cam-whore media-slut utter poser' and 'OH EM GEE I want his babies'. The truth, as almost always is the case, lies somewhere in between the two extremes.

Ville Valo is not God. He is not the Devil. He is a fairly ordinary Finnish bloke who happens to be drooled over and idolised by legions of unfortunate 'goth' fangirls, and despised by equal legions of desperate insecure metal-kiddies. Shock press: he's not even a vampire. He's a human being. Freakin' deal with it, fangirlie.
"OMG I love Ville Valo so much I can't even spell because I'm so excited I want his babies soooo much and I'm sure he'd love me and save me from my pit of designer teenage angst!"

"Here's two pence, go and buy yourself a life."
by Princess Kai March 14, 2006
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Lead singer of a band called HIM.
Lyrical genius!
Amazingly good looking, and sexy!
Gentlemen, alcholic, singer, rock star.
And about six feet tall!
Everything a girl, or man...could want and more!
Keep on dreaming....
and an extremely nice voice!
Ville Valo: Walking, breathing, talking sexyness!
by EMILYisWAYtooCOOL August 2, 2006
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a man? .. with a beautiful and profound voice...but if he continues to smoke like that i'm afraid he's goin' to have trouble
he's to fragile to be true
by ank February 12, 2004
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Ville Hermanni Valo is the vocalist and songwriter for the Finnish rock band HIM, which has a very devoted following in Europe and the UK. This devotion is merited due to the sheer quality of the melodies, lyrics and arrangements that go to make up their own brand of 'love metal'although their detractors are inclined to ascribe their popularilty to Valo's good looks and personal charm.

Fairly recently in their careers they have come to the attention of a wider fan base since being taken up and publicised by Bam Margera. The level of adulation directed at them is now rather silly but luckily the quality of their music is as good as ever and the individual members of the band seem to have retained their common sense and good manners.

Another good to have come from their success is that other Finnish bands are finding it easier to get international recognition, especially in the US. For a country with a comparatively small population Finland has vast reserves of talent and it is great to see so many bands 'making it'. This isn't to suggest that they wouldn't have done so anyway but perhaps the higher profile of such bands as HIM, The Rasmus and Children of Bodom make the music listening public more inclined to give them a hearing.
Ville Valo said in an interview, "I'd like to be remembered for my good manners."
by Essayel August 12, 2006
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sexiest man alive, and lead singer of love metal band HIM. no other man can look that HOTT in eyeliner! Ville Valo... mmmmmmmm sExY!!!
by Lalalala February 4, 2005
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Too perfect for the human eyes
I saw Ville Valo the other day at a HIM show and fainted!
by =D. July 11, 2008
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