When someone ejaculates into a condom 3 times than freezes it
Guy 1: Hey what’s that in your freezer?
Guy 2: That’s the Tennessee Triple I’m going to use on my girlfriend tonight!
Guy 1: Well thats one way to make an impression...
by HappiHorniBoi June 5, 2018
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Tin triple chin is a very fat lady that has an extreme amount of chins and if you don't evacuate the area soon it may be too late.
" If I did not get out of that place I may have been devoured by that tin triple chin!"
by Pussy d3vourer March 19, 2016
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A women who is so fat that she has chins literally pouring out of her neck
Dude, holly shit, look at that lady, she has a tin triple chin.
by Pussy d3vourer May 16, 2016
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this is when you are heart broken times three and even one time is really really bad and can make someone want to commit suicide.. and doctors don't help they just be making it worst for people to want to do it even more. let me explain a example of how someone can be triple heart broken. so let's say someone lost their wife who he really love and was the best man possible to her, let's say this happen because their new born daughter was killed. that two heart broken effects right there, and now let's say some girl that is evil but looks really good in public and is a young girl or pretending to be a young girl and can still can pretend to be young underage girl at the age of 28. let's say this girl was mad he wouldn't date her and shes beautiful and sexy and he's faithful to his wife. and she lie on him and said he rape her. to lock him up thinking he scared to have sex with her because she under age and would go to prison for it and she make it happen anyway when she thinks he was trying to avoid it. and let's say this guy is a hero who always protect all girls and women from rape and he hates it and vowed to GOD he wouldn't even do it. and an example of an Quad heart break that is four times he could of rape his wife in the beginning before they got married and couldn't help his strong feelings of love for her.
he's triple heart broken? i doubt he's still living through that immense pain agony and suffering mix up no matter how much time passes by, even his old lost wife ask why are you still hurting?
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I don’t give two shits, but it’s damn triple and you probably don’t give a fuck
Player 1: gg
by Zraco January 3, 2020
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Also known as "triple dollar sign"

Representing a large sum of money, having spent a lot of money to a small fortune on something
"Dude I just dropped triple sign on a sweet car!"
"My phone legit cost triple sign, if you know what I mean."
by TheWalkingSPGiraffee March 1, 2015
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