to be not unlike Lebron James, MC Hammer, Josh Crooch, Michael Jordan, Mike Jones, and Joe Shipka.
Are Those the ballers we saw yesterday? Yea, i think thats Josh Crooch and MC Hammer.
by Brandon Greager November 9, 2006
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A baller is someone who can actually ball and is a god at it. Typically, he/she is able to dunk on everyone and can beat anyone in a 1v1 no matter the person he/she is up against. Everyone admires the baller as he is someone to fear and can easily break your ankles.
Ricky is a baller! He crossed Brian up so bad that he tore his jeans! Jack believes he is a baller but he is not as he is defined as a non-baller. Mehdi is also a non-baller!! Only Rick is a TRUE baller!!! The baller god even agrees!!
by True Baller Rick October 25, 2018
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From the term,"no brainer". Identifies an unassertive, passive,leadership FAIL! It is characterized by the inability to confront.
Tammy; "Wow! Did you see Bob melt in front of his ex-wife last night at the club?"

Celine; "Ya, I have lost total respect for him as a boss. That was a real 'No-Baller' in my opinion".
by RosFitz April 7, 2011
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pronun key:baller
A player in the game of Ball ball, that is holding a yoga ball and get's launched or flipped, over the charger.Also known as the jumper
player 1: Yo, You know what? I wanna get launched today. I'm gonna be the baller, 'kay?
by Me-Hung-Low August 19, 2006
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Actually refered to a Ball player, in any sport. Can also be refered to person which cry's a lot. But the term of it being used now of days, is a Pimp, or a Player, some one with cash and girls, someone like ME.... DANNY AKA BALLER....
" someone who is a pimp a player and an originator, BALLER D"
by Baller D.... July 11, 2005
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yeah we agg ballers are goin to pwn ur 1337 nub butt
by Jason brusse April 17, 2005
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skin tight pants skaters/emos wear that destroys ones balls
Damn, that skater is wearing no-ballers because he has no balls.
by Lo-Cizzle December 10, 2007
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