Rick Mammana coined the term in his video "Making a Lawn Mower Salad John Deere" on YouTube.
The recipe is:
Run over some lettuce and tomato with your lawnmower
Collect the chopped bits
Drizzle with Mighty Cesar Salad Dressing
Guy: God I really want some salad but I have no hands with which to use a knife.
Other Guy: No problem, get out your lawnmower and we'll make some Mighty Geezer Lawnmower Salad
by rockthisway December 16, 2016
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A trick ass geezer is the term used to insult a male friend who thinks he is "the shit." After being called this he will stop in his tracks, think about the term, and proceed to get offended.
Chris: Dude, I woke up with a hangover this morning and the only thing I was able to do was play Super Smash Brothers!
Mike: Broh, I know that feeling! BEST FEELING EVER!
Maria: Well aren't you guys trick ass geezers!?!
Chris and Mike: -__-
by 205B January 23, 2011
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Slang: British Female that behaves without normal feminine grace or decorum. With inhibitions lowered or removed by peer pressure and typically fuelled by alcopops or lager, they are often observed in the vicinity of or within the nightclubs of The North East region of the UK. PPGBs also appear in small groups at the popular cheap European tourist destinations frequented by the British; typically Spanish South Coast, Canary Islands and The Greek Islands.

Their behaviour and actions, which have in the past only been associated with drunken men, are loutish and ill mannered with contempt for other people. PPGBs will happily escalate the slightest minor verbal disagreement to physical assault, resulting in brawling on the ground with no regard for the consequences of their actions. Such situations might occur outside kebab- take away shops late in the evening and will often attract the attention of The Police.

Being overweight is not part of the definition of PPGB, however the attraction to fast food late at night is connected with the PPGBs lifestyle. Those that are overweight will happily display a lardy bottom with a thong and consider this to be a sexual asset. PPGBs may be promiscuous and consider this to be as a result of their popular attractiveness rather than anything else. Often with tattoos and very little cultural awareness they appear below Chav in terms of fashion sense and social skills. Their behaviour is best observed through the safety of the Reality Television documentaries on street violence and programmes of compiled from CCTV captured brawls.

The term "Pit Pony" comes from the North East (UK) coal mining industry and in this context refers to a solid lower working class person with little education.
The stereotype Pit Pony Geezer Bird would be a foul mouthed overweight Northern (UK) female with tattoos and badly beached hair, arguing with nightclub door staff on the street. Her children may have different fathers and be waiting for her return to their local council supplied apartment/flat.
by Don from July 27, 2007
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Carnival event where you have to flip an old man with a tengu mask on over your shoulder. You flip the geezer by grabbiing the nose of his tengu mask and hurling him over your shoulder at a target. The person whose geezer hits the bullseye (or who survives) wins.
Weezer Mcretard always wins the Long-Nosed Geezer Flip every year....but the stingy butthole won't tell me his secret!
by RatchetBoo April 29, 2003
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Seasonal for the 2008 GOP (Republican) Presidential Election. Geezer refers to Senator John McCain and Gidgetrefers to Governor Sarah 'Baracuds-Lipstick-Pitbull' Palin.
Street Conversation: "I know that if the Geezer-Gidget 08 GOP Presidenial Ticket gets elected, we'll be selling pencils and turning two dollar 'ho tricks to pay the rent. No doubt!"

by Mike the Arf September 22, 2008
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The flu shot when you get when you're an old creep. Twice as much anti-venom in the shot, and twice as much pain in your arm the next day.
I went to Kaiser for a flu shot, and one of the old gals in the line in front of me told us they were out of the geezer shot.
by Colorado Bootman October 14, 2021
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