The spilling of man seed in a hot shower, bath, sink, hot tub, kettle, resulting in a poached egg like substance sticking to your leg hairs and surroundings.
"here mate I poached eggs in my mum's footspar last night"
by September 2, 2021
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Locating outlets and plugging in your mobile device(s) at your current location to avoid the dreaded dead battery. Usually involves sneakily searching the perimeters of rooms and creatively relocating chairs to sit next to charging devices.
While I attended an all-day conference, I had to sneak in some power poaching in order to charge my cell phone.
by BethB March 14, 2016
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Long poaching is when a guy low key flirts with your girl right under your nose. She knows it's happening, he knows it's happening, and sometimes the victim catches wind of it as well. It's so low key that no one can even complain about it or get upset about it but everyone knows it's happening.
Buddy was long poaching my girl last night the gutless Lil prick
by October 3, 2021
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Put me in boiling water till I go runny so I can shit in your mouth
Oooooo yeah poach me baby
by Egg 🍳 September 3, 2017
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When you punch someone who has a small penis in the dick making there head shrivel like a turtle.
Payton: i got turtle poached by some guy yesterday
thomas: omg is yo dick okay i hate turtle poaching
by Arnold mcjagger May 31, 2013
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Just like when you harvest an animal out of season, only you take her (or his) behind out of session.
Karen and I were having drunken sex, but during it she passed out, so I turned her over and continued the session poached colon.
by Typewriter '79 February 20, 2022
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Poaching is a term for a person who collects peoples nudes for pleasure and to have a collection
I saw a poaching collection of my ex it was large, i thought thr idea was a fiction until i saw it for myself.
by Saerow June 16, 2021
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