8 definitions by AskACapperDOTcom


Sharing or attempting to share international things with someone. Also can be the general sharing of international information.
Hey let me epcot you on this, the french don't have a quater pounder with cheese.

Don't be epcoting me man, I don't care about france.
by AskACapperDOTcom June 7, 2009
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Complement Poach

When someone steals another persons complement that wasn't directed at them.
Jack "Suzie you look nice today"
Jill "Thank you"
Jack "Jill don't complement poach"
by AskACapperDOTcom September 16, 2009
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Cop Bra

A slang term for a shoulder holster for a firearm worn under a person/cop's jacket.
Hey you got a concealed weapons permit cool, you getting a cop bra too?
by AskACapperDOTcom June 7, 2009
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Thanking the spotlight from someone in a vain attempt to be funny/clever/win affection of a person/mean or what not.
Example 1: "Taylor Swift was Kanye'd by Kanye West at the MTV VMA this year."

Example 2: "I was doing a toast at the wedding when the brother in law Kanye'd me"
by AskACapperDOTcom September 16, 2009
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The act of texting/IMing & listening to the same song with with that person at the same time.
I met a girl from Norway and we where IMing and syncing last night, she loves music almost as much as me!
by AskACapperDOTcom June 7, 2009
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A Low Maintenance Relationship (LMR) is when a couple is mutually exclusive to one another but not in a FULL relationship. A low maintenance relationship includes NOT needing to talk to them everyday, maybe SOME texting per day but NOT a super abundance, getting together ONLY once or twice a week and going out and SOME sex.

A LMR is for active individuals who have many responsibilities and have no time for a FULL relationship.
Girl how are you going to balance work, school and a boy friend? You're going to get burnt out.

I just need a Low Maintenance Relationship and I'll be all set.
by AskACapperDOTcom October 23, 2010
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Bringing outside candies and beverages into a movie theater.
Example 1:

"So excited to see Avatar what are you packing?"
"Oh, M&M's and bottled water"

Example 2:

"I brought in some candies and soda"
"Oh, don't worry half this crowd I'm sure is packin"
by AskACapperDOTcom January 11, 2010
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