The art of sniffing, biting and sucking the anus of another human being with a lot of passion and pride, people who practice it usually tell their friends about this fetish at parties or any meeting. This can be mutual (Dubbing)
- Yo, Yesterday I met a girl, after a few drinks I dubbed her ass. !she went crazy BRO.
- Hey mate, lets do some dubbing together.
by Sneider69 September 30, 2022
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Lupe is always dubbing” proclaimed Ava and then Daniel exclaimed, “WoRrRrD”
by albino monkey August 3, 2023
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Aggressive humping with your hands crossed on her waist
Stissi cross dubbed the shit out of Mariella last night

I caught so many cross dubs my back hurts

I’m going to be crippled from all the cross dubs I been catching
by CrossDubs4Lyfe July 10, 2022
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Aggressively humping with your arms in a crossed position on the dube’s waist
Stissi cross dubbed the shit out of Mariella

I can’t walk up right after all those cross dubs I caught last night

There are many ways to cross dub
For example:
Secret cross dubs in the corner of the bar

3 second cross dubs in the hotel room

They were catching Sakura Japan cross dubs

I saw them in the middle of the dance floor cross dubbing all over the place
by CrossDubs4Lyfe July 10, 2022
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A complete bastardization of the most beloved Toei magicial girl anime called Sailor Moon.
The VIZ redub is respectful to the source material unlike the Sailor Moon Dic/Cloverway dub.
by mgree002 May 23, 2023
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Mir:How much for the shirt$
Quil: a dub
by Khyaa April 26, 2021
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We spent all our money on hookers, so we had to dub the swipe in order to get home.
by spago88 October 27, 2013
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