When you cheated on someone but you excuse it as something that "just happened" and you didn't want it to. It rarely works because you're a human being and you can control your actions.
Jake: Babe sorry we were just hanging out, I complemented her makeup, and one thing led to another, I didn't mean it

Mary: Yeah right, we're done Jake!
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 13, 2020
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Something ridiculous, hard to believe or something which can never exist or happen
Bro 1:- bro fouzia thinks she's the perfect girl
Bro 2:- bro that's the most chutiya thing I've ever heard
by VirginMojitooo October 6, 2022
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Any phrase, story or joke that only African Americans understand. This is due to their history in the United States.

It can also mean someone who is not Black but very into Black culture. They also have a very strong physical and sexual attraction to Black people. (Something racist White people don’t admit to)
Joe: i noticed Jill is always talking to Black guys in the street.
Jane: Yea! She is very into the Black Thing as you can see
by DougSmug November 26, 2022
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In American English "Monkey" is used for silliness, and is certainly the most common connotation, association with a monkey can also mean foolishness, aggravation, environmental terrorism, and cold.

To "Monkey Things Up" is to make a mess of something that is orderly. Similar to "Money Business"
Monkey Things Up: To make a mess of something that is orderly. Similar to "Money Business
Mother: Billy, I've just cleaned the house, I don't need you or your friends coming in here and Monkeying Things Up
by UncleLoid January 19, 2019
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