made by the girls of (look up) st. joseph's academy--when a girl gets eatin out
girl- omg you got tweaked?!

girl- omg he tweaked you?!
by J April 7, 2005
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To Bone; Bonk; Do so on and so forth, but only with an ex-girlfriend. Not to be confused with regular sex.
"Went out last week and ended up tweak-in our ex"
by Dobern July 21, 2004
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(v) 1. To feel akward for someone for something they have just done.
(n) 2. That indescribable feeling of awkwardness for another person.
1. I was tweaking so hard for Derek while he was doing karoake.
I just have to tweak for Derek right now.

2. My Grandmother's house was such a tweakfest.
Say What Karoake is a universal tweak.
by Steve Torok November 26, 2005
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A homo or fag in San Fran
See that tweak over there, he must have a butt plug in...
by billbaroo November 22, 2008
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Tweek Tweak is a character from South Park who is known for his messy blonde hair, and the fact that he is always twitching. He wears a green buttoned shirt which is usually bottoned up wrong. He is seen hanging around Craigs gang who consists of Craig Tucker, Clyde Donovan, Token Black and Jimmy Valmer. Even though he is usually seen with Craig’s gang, he was once in Stans gang to replace Kenny McCormick when he died. Some people know him dude to the popular ship Creek, which became canon in the episode Tweek x Craig where the Asian girls drew yaoi of him and Craig Tucker. They have been seen holding hands and Craig even calls Tweek ‘honey’ and ‘babe’. It is seen in the episode Put it down that Tweek can play piano. A few of his personas include: Outlaw Tweek, Barbarian Tweek and Wonder Tweek
Tweek Tweak: Oh man! That is way too much pressure!!!
by Creek fan April 7, 2018
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1) When a girl masturbates by exposing her clitoris with two fingers, and rubbing it with a third finger.

2) Clitoral stimulation
"Dancing with those guys really got me worked-up! I am going home to tweak the bean!"


"Dude, it's so easy to give her an earthshaking nut! Just be sure to tweak the bean, and she'll cum all over the place!"
by richard vendor October 22, 2012
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