when you suck many cocks in quick succession
i heard joe was going on a cock spree
joe mama
by crazynutsack October 12, 2022
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The most amazing person you could ever meet. She knows nearly everything and is usually never wrong. She's insanely attractive and most men (and some women) crave her beyond belief. She's very strong mentally and pretty damn strong physically too.
Person #1: I dunno what to do in this situation! I just need some advice!

Person #2: Dude, just ask Sugar Spree!

Person #1: But I don't really like her too much.

Person #2: Ya stupid dumb fuck, what's there not to like?
by =*Anonymous*= June 17, 2008
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when your in a spree of fucking hoes and slaying bitches.
"damn, man's on a mating spree"
by hotjunglecheetos July 26, 2022
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The action of intimacy with multiple people at a time.
Earl: Hey David, what did you do last night?
David: Oh, I went on a bedding spree with tons of chicks!
by ¡■Dippy Doppy■! March 14, 2021
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Overly obsessed with bootie that you're on a continuous rampage and can't stop. Mostly a joke I made up about the infamous rapper 69.
"6ix9ine is on a slappy de spanky spree"
"I lost it and now I'm on a slappy de spanky spree"
by Skilastic April 2, 2022
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