81 definitions by JoeNJ2

Not quite agoraphobia,the sense of discomfort of being surrounded by assholes.
I don't think I have agoraphobia as much as assholaphobia.
by JoeNJ2 June 7, 2012
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The guilt your fucking wife tries laying the foundation for before you even do anything.
"If you're going to go fishing next weekend instead of going out with me then I guess I know where your priorities are then"...etc etc. pre-guilt
by JoeNJ2 June 4, 2011
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A New Years recap of the (crappy) year. Recrap.
by JoeNJ2 December 31, 2014
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The point at which you're in an important part of a conversation that the waitress instictively interrupts.
I was in the middle of something...conversus interruptus
by JoeNJ2 April 6, 2011
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The parking spot that opens up just after you've already parked far away and are walking back up.
by JoeNJ2 April 10, 2011
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Philadelphia,PA and it's soulless,cracked out mongoloids who mill about the streets.
Wow,the streets of northeast look like Zombieville.
by JoeNJ2 April 26, 2011
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