when someone’s being annoying you say “wanna get ur main bitch taken?”
bro 1: man fuck you

bro 2: you wanna get ur main bitch taken?
bro 1: *silent*
by yupcup July 17, 2022
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When you think someone is waving to you , and you eagerly wave back saying hi just to find out the person is not actually waving to you, but the person behind you. This results in extreme humiliation , and failure to know what to do next.
Kelly waves at Suzie
Jackie thinks Kelly is waving at her and waves back , eagerly.
Kelly walks past Jackie and hugs Suzie, greeting her.
Jackie stands there vulgarly humiliated, unable what to do next.

Kelly and Suzie talk about how how Jackie has mis-taken waving at Kelly
by bostonbitch January 22, 2011
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1. When a second or third attempt at a relationship with an ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend ends in marriage.

2. When a friend stops having one night stands or flings because of an ExHit, they are considered to have 'Taken the ExHit', in line with 'another one bites the dust'.

3. Refers to leaving the singles highway and 'taking the exit' to suburbia and married life.

4. ExHit; "Hittin' that!" or going back for more with an ex.
Mate 1: Did you hear? My bro has taken the ExHit.
Mate 2: Shit! Really! I thought that was all over??
Mate 1: Well. She was something else!

GF1: You're what! You are going for the ExHit....again!?!
GF2: Yeah, I really think he's decent...not like that last wanker.
GF1: Hun, you better be sure this time, you can't keep on ExHit-ing.
by Belilarf January 20, 2013
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Something the if you get on it, Felix the cat will be at your house ready to fuck you with his magic bag
www.deviantart.com mehlove art Warrior-Cats-Names-Taken-Seriously-1-659285538 Is Felix the cats worst enemy, the true reason why he doesn’t use deviantart
by Smm2lover29383837454363 July 18, 2023
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A euphemism for being captured by fast zombies.
We're very sorry, sir, but it seems Major Bill has been taken to the outlet mall.
by Mateo incognito November 24, 2008
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A whiny quote from Dr. Jordan Peterson
Dr. Jeepjorp Peepeestones "My ViDeO gOt TaKeN dOwN!"

Hym "More of your videos SHOULD be getting talen down because some of those references to me are either copyrighted or derivative. Are YOU (a highly credentialed mainstream intellectual) buying second hand content from Urban Dictionary, Jordan?"

Dr. Jordan Peterson "Identity is negotiated!"

Hym "I don't answer to PROPERTY, Jordan! You've been colonized! Except UP ONE LEVEL OF ABSTRACTION!"
by Hym Iam August 22, 2023
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