Breath girls/guys get when they suck dick
Gabby sucked dick and now she got thot breath
by N I G G 4 December 1, 2019
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The aroma of vomit on one's breath after spewing, notably in an orchard.
"Man, I'm about to go gippin' in the pippins - I'll have orchard breath later"
by Ian's Arrow October 30, 2008
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So, cheese breath is a derogatory term describing the breath of a Wisconsin person, especially a Green Bay Packers’ fan.
FEMALE 1: GIRL! WTF is that rancid ass smell that is making me gag!

FEMALE 2: It’s cheese breath!
by Purplenado March 8, 2023
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A breath so stinky it decimates everything in its path.
Aaron breathed and destroyed a city with his atomic breath
by TheBlueToo December 5, 2022
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Someones breath that smells like shit but you can only smell it when you turn your back
"ayo 737 xxl you got hins breath mate"
by HinsStinky January 20, 2023
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When you take a toke of the zootasauirus Rex and hold it in and then inhale it again and again and the game is the last person to let the smoke out there mouth
We’re going to do the dragon breath boys
by Stonerasoirusrex June 11, 2020
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Dragon breath is when you cum in your girl’s nose and right after she spits it out from the mouth like a dragon spitting fire
Girl 1 - how was the night with Josh yesterday ?
Girl 2 - he cummed in my nose so i performed “DRAGON BREATHon him... he was so happy :)
by Sinnert September 27, 2020
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