Hello. Means someone who is looking at it
you are looking the guy writing this thing
by April 1, 2022
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Used when you just want to feel unique
Jerry: 'Hey Kev what is unique about you?'
Kev: 'The only unique thing about me is my fingerprint'
Jerry: 'That just sounds like a discord status'
by ceese123254 June 27, 2022
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It is a thing that has lots of things because it is a thing
Give me a thing” (which could mean anything)
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Guy 1: Want to do the lung thing?
Guy 2: Yeah, let me finish this game of beerio kart.
Guy 1: We should go to Whataburger after.
by allthethings September 19, 2011
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When someone identifes as an object and goes by it/that pronouns
Hi, I'm a door knob and I identify as thing-gender.
by Rotten Turkey January 25, 2022
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when you see something that tis so Cool and you want it so bad
son: daddy so that toy car can I have it

dad: no son we don't have that much money so no
son: but daddy I want is so bad you can say I the coolness of the thing it
by ima shoot ya October 30, 2020
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Your Sure Thing/ Sure Person;
someone you are 100% sure you were meant to become friends with and have in your life forever. No Matter What. like a definite/for sure/ permanent person or thing

From the song Sure Thing by Miguel
girl 1: i feel like we were destined to be friends

girl 2: i think we’re supposed to be in each other’s lives

girl 1: you’re like my definite person

girl 2. you’re like my Sure Thing
by girlwithacrush November 23, 2020
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