Words that aren't in someone's limited vocabulary, so they accuse you of trying to "sound intelligent" when what they really mean is, clearly you are more intelligent than I am, and I should pick up a dictionary.

Or any other book.
Joshua: "The thing with God is he never has proven himself. People attribute things to him, however science has just as much "proof" for evolution and non creationism."

Michael: "God definitely exists. I can feel his divine presence in my life. Stop using big words to sound intelligent."
by AshesAwesome November 17, 2009
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A random word of the day that Urban Dictionary makes the word of the day
I hope this is the fucking word of the day, I really hope this is the motherfucking word of the goddamn day
by TakaTakaTacos11 October 11, 2007
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Another term that pussies, teachers, parents, or horny little kids use instead of "fuck". Since fuck is probably known as the "worst curse word" people like to substitute it. Here are some popular substitutions:

-Any word that starts with F that isn't surpassing 5 letters and isn't going below 4 letters. Also it should sound good when said in the sentence "*insert substitution here* you mooom!"
Teacher - Never say the f-word Billy!
Billy - Fuck you.
by Kryptick July 30, 2016
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Another sad attempt to eliminate the word nigger, as if white people actually use it. We all know the truth, the black people who aren't racist are tired of other black people saying nigger.
I am still waiting for cracker to be reffered to as the C-word as nigger is the N-word.
by Supersmasher10015 March 7, 2007
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A word that usually means "fuck",but it can also be used to describe "faggot" or "fag"
A:Hey dude do you know about the f-word?
B:Shut up you fucking faggot
by Under Kanal June 12, 2022
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A term representing the grammar of the 'bro'. Words that combine 'bro' within the word are combro words, such as 'combromise' and the like.
Bro: Hey broham, what's crackin?

Fratslice: Not a whole lot Brostradamus. I've recently made a grammatical observation.

Bro: Is that so my fellow Polo enthusiast?

Fratslice: Why yes. You see, those compound or combo words that we use which include 'bro' are...COMBRO words!

Bro: Bump it -presents fist-

Fratslice: -obliges fist bump request-
by Voodoomouse June 8, 2011
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