A school of bitch ass kids who think they're the greatest at sport but lose in everything besides basketball oh they all fuck in the chapel
Wow Sacred Heart High lost by 50 in football again!
by RINGTHE DINGSTER April 4, 2016
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Being numb to a broken heart means that you no longer feel the agonizing pain u once felt when u lost a loved one, friend, even girlfriend or boyfriend. U simply, feel nothing, only sympathy towards other is the only emotion u can receive, cause at that point ur not ur own priority.
by Loldontbegay March 24, 2019
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To ruin a hipster quote involving hearts that are used by "love".
Annoying girl: Touch her heart, not her body.
Guy: I believe the human heart is part of the body.
Annoying girl: Yes.. but -
Guy: and how the fuck are you gonna do that? Grab a knife and stab through her just to touch the fucking thing?
Annoying girl: Damn, you are good at making ruined heart quotes...
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She has been fucked so much it looks like she had open heart sergery.

She's so loose, she must have had open heart sergery, gross.
by junner December 4, 2003
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A non-committable way to say I love you. Usually used by cool people.
Eye Heart You Elise and Emery. I'm glad you guys are MY friends. :
by _d.e.W.o.n_ July 21, 2005
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This is like the Gonzo and Fruitbowl
Step1) grab your scrotum,but be careful to allow your testicles to still hang freely to the ground.
Step2) ask someone if they want to see a beating chicken heart
Step3) when you have a victim willing to see, show him your sack while squeezing your scrotum in a pulsating rhythm to make it appear to be beating
no need for an example....
by Papawood December 9, 2003
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A person whose political view lies generally along the lines of the founding fathers, in that they believe that what unites Americans is a love of freedom, and they tend to vote that way. They prefer to allow others to believe as they like, since this is what the country is founded on, and generally resist any effort to remove rights simply because of who someone is, such as gay, or black, or poor. They believe in the ideal of ‘treating your neighbor as you would like to be treated’, believe that we all have a certain responsibility to support each other, rather than corporations, and believe that the safety and dreams of people come before the earnings of CEO’s. They believe that everyone’s point of view has something to contribute to our political discourse.
Who does that person think they are, supporting gay marriage? Do they think that people actually have rights? They must be a Bleeding Heart Liberal.
by Jefferson101 April 13, 2011
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