This is the rural version of the human inflatable love doll for beastiality perverts!
Billy Bob done got his inflatable love sheep by UPS, he's gonna party tonight!
by I, Wreckerrr November 2, 2020
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The only way to fuck up your arteries, intoxicate yourself with water, get the bacteria in your guts to attack you and make some physicians consider ceasing to share a world with retards like you just by putting one thing that is not made to be in butts in your butt.
Pronhub: horny teen redhead belly inflation
by NotANi🅱🅱a September 1, 2017
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"pulling the inflatable slide" is the new (and slightly less violent) going postal
omg, did you hear about Rodney? He hates his job so much. He's about to pull the inflatable slide.
by steven_slater August 10, 2010
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Also called as Inflate-Deflate Stratergy- Thumping the clueless opposition by giving them false hope and hoping that their complacency will lead to their timely doom.. The theory is heavily advocated my Mr Nags , who is a royal challenger aficionado.
Generalist Yamamoto from Japan: How did you win the match in such a tight situation?
Nags: Yamahamoto from Japan, how many times have I told you about the inflate deflate strategy?
Generalist Selvalakshmi: Hey Nags, do you know what else is tight and what else is inflated?
Nags: 😳
by Theedgyindian April 9, 2022
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The overuse of the word "fuck" to such an extent that the word fuck loses its formidable power.
Kulwindar: Jesus fucking Christ, I can't fucking believe that those fucking fuckers in the fucking Congress have fucked this up yet again. Fuck!

Sunjat: Whoa, hold on now. I get your point, but you're causing F bomb inflation. Don't devalue my fucks.
by King Xavier December 3, 2013
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When you boast so much that it gets super annoying and you may as well whack ghack while bragging about whatever you're talking about.
Tim: "Yeah dude, I got like 4 lambos in my garage."
John: "Oh boy here we go again."
Bob: "Whats going on?"
John: "Nothing just Tim inflating his cock again."
Bob: "God dammit Tim, stop inflating your cock! We get it you got all this shit cuz of your stupid ass job"
by YaBoiSpoon January 19, 2018
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when one inflates his girlfriend with semen (usually seen in hentai)
dude, i just watched some semen inflation porn
by ANIMETIDDIES April 18, 2018
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