A game and past time originated in the 860 (Tolland, CT) where a bunch of chill kids pass around a waterbottle or ball. The purpose is to catch and pass with one hand, but have it travel around your back, over your head, or under a leg. Basically don't it stop, just flow like water.
James: Another gas leak at the school? Lets get a circle and flow.


Dylan: Now I just can't pass up some good flowing can I
by T-town Ballr March 22, 2012
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"Stop man, you're messin um my flow"
by shane March 23, 2005
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A statement highlighting that a particular wish is never going to come true. A polite confirmation by one person of a massive misconception by another
Toots asked Miss Holloway was it just him she skip skip skipped with. She replied 'We seem to have this conversation on a monthly basis!
see if you just went with the flow, maybe you'd get a pleasant super surprise!!'. He sighed that day and cried that evening.
by Barry Manilow July 8, 2004
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money, cheese, cake, moola, dead presidents, cash
"got my flow, biatch?"
by jeromeo September 1, 2006
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A male player of a "preppy" sport, such as lacrosse, tennis, rows crew, or, in some cases, hockey. Said person usually has lots of long, seemingly perfect hair that flows out of the hat or helmet. When not covered, they tend to do hair flips. Not to be confused with bro. Also, tend to have great biceps, pecs, abs, and asses that get them lots of girls.
Girl-"Look at that guy's hair. He's got some flow.
Girl 2-"Yeah, i saw him playing tennis."
by flowbrow January 1, 2012
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A mental state where a person is 100% immersed in the activity,
While also their performance increases
I can't believe i won a 1v2!
Probably a flow state!
by aslpaul3939 September 29, 2020
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A type of graffiti-writing style present in San Francisco; namely, the San Francisco public transportation system. It is the act of tagging with a particular style on a San Francisco Muni Bus that blends with the pulse of the bus ride. It's not called Bus Flow for no reason; you gotta have rhythm. Takes a lot of practice and hard work to master. Very illegal as graffiti is a form of vandalism.
Graffiti takes dedication and hard work; some people takes years to even realize what Bus Flow is.
by SF Muni March 14, 2010
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