108 definitions by shane

Any illegal narcotic or drug, but most commonly used as another name for methamphetamine made with anhydrous ammonia chemicals.
"There are a lot drug users looking to score some epod in town"
by shane March 28, 2004
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the act of being violent, vulgar, or commiting social no no's like incest, phedophelia, or disgusting sexual acts.
"She went Jerry Springer on me"
"you better watch or he'll go Jerry Springer on you:
"watch your kids and animals, they may go Jerry Springer"
by shane March 23, 2005
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a buddy you listen to country music with and at the same time talk to them on AIM
kelsey: hey we should be country buddies
cal: we totally should!
by shane September 4, 2004
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"yais" can't be defined conventionally. one would be less successful at defining "yais" than he/she would be at defining the contemporary english language's utility infielder, "like". "yais" is a state of mind. "yais" is understanding and misunderstanding, as well as all points described on the subsequent continuum.
you are lovely, yais; gay, yais; yais? yais; is two plus two, four? yais; (if i had the character spaces to continue, i probably wouldn't. yais.)
by shane April 5, 2005
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A man of extreme muscular strength and sexiness.
Andy Vahamaa is a cock diesel.
by shane January 2, 2005
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To describe something or someone that has been beating in anyway. Whenever someone is subject to humilation.
Whoa, D00D, you got owned. This is after he or she has had something happen to him or her that is not good.
by shane August 9, 2003
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