cool guy who is president of the united states. also a lot of memes about him
"hey did you hear what joe did?"
"whos joe?"
"joe biden lol"
by narzan December 7, 2021
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Biden's maiden name was Fife. Hence the name, Barney Fife Biden
by Fag Basher August 31, 2021
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"Sleepy Joe" What Americans call Creepy kid sniffer & Presidential Candidate Joe biden. "Sleepy Joe" got his name from being senile, low energy, and tiresome. This insult deprived from his campaign debates with U.S. president Donald J. Trump in which Sleepy Joe recieved his nickname from the President.
LGBTQ Ambassador of Unicorns: Atleast biden isn't racist💞✨

Republican: but Sleepy Joe Biden forgot he imprisoned hundrends of black people and helped Obama build cages for Aliens while vice president.

LGBTQ Ambassador of Unicorns: b-b- ORANGE MAN BAD!!!11
by ZapRowsdower2020 November 6, 2020
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Waiting (biden your time) for the right opportunity to drink coffee (joe)
Worker 1: "Did you get your coffee yet?"
Worker 2: "No, I've been stuck in this meeting but I'm joe biden and ready to make a run for the coffee pot as soon as there's a break."
by Nicholas D July 11, 2022
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